Tracy Bardawil, CFA

Deciding to embark on the journey that is the CFA was not an easy decision. I knew I was facing one of my biggest challenges, and that is why I leaned in for help. That’s when I turned to FRI, and I was so glad I did.

I will not deny that even with all the help I received, studying for the CFA was hard and stressful. I have successfully completed the three levels of the CFA program with FRI. I worked hard, studied for hours on end, and attended hours of classes, but I would not have been comfortable or as confident had it not been for the amazing professors at FRI.

Our professors were supportive and patient, they listened to us and paved the way to success. Most importantly, they taught me more than what I need to pass the CFA, their lessons are relatable and relevant. The lessons weren’t just about the material, they weren’t just a way to pass the exams, they are essential tools that we’ve been equipped with, that will help us tackle real life problems.

Jad Doumith is a great teacher. His support and enthusiasm was just what we needed as struggling students to push through these tough times. He was patient enough to repeat explanations as many times as we needed; however, we rarely needed them as he was so thorough and clear in his teaching. He connected our work to daily life, making lessons not only simpler, but more useful in the long run.

I would recommend FRI to anyone who is slightly hesitant about the CFA. It will give you the courage and support you need. 

Associate Dealer at BBAC Bank

CFA Levels Passed with FRI: Levels I, II and III