Jawad Shehayeb

It has been 13 years after I graduated that I felt the need to make a real shift in my career, but all I did receive were humble job offers. So, I realized that the only choice was to specialize in a field and attain better comprehension in order to have a competitive edge in the workplace.

I tried a couple of  well-known institutes by registering for some business courses, but none came close to the level of knowledge they promised to provide. I can definitely state that the learning experience at FRI was exceptional and all the classes confirmed how sincere Mr. Jad Doumith was at the orientation session. At every step of the way, I always felt the instructors' passion to enhance our intuitive and analytical thinking, to derive every complex formula from its roots and to link the whole context so that no part would be left hanging in isolation. The explanations would very often exceed the curriculum and we were always encouraged to view critical ideas from a wider perspective which by itself was much added value.

I honestly feel very grateful for the whole FRI members who paved the seemingly difficult way and rendered the long past years away from university to be just a short walk from success.

Internal audit Officer at FNB (First National Bank S.A.L.)

CFA Levels Passed with FRI: Levels I, II & III
FRM Levels passed with FRI: Levels I and II