Farah Sinno

I joined FRI when I registered for CFA level III exam. I consider that Jad and his team contributed to a great extent into my success. In fact, each teacher at FRI is very well prepared for the topic he/she provides and let you grasp the material to understand it more. They have a strong technical background, interactive teaching skills and an excellent understanding of exam structure and types of questions which are critical especially in the essay part in the morning exam of level III.

They are also available for questions after class and prepare an excellent recap for the material with practice exam questions during review sessions. The classes help you save time in the actual exam and focus on important points in the case in order to make structured answers without writing too much and going far beyond required.
I could hear Jad’s voice in the exam guiding me to analyze and answer efficiently and I can assert that no question in the exam was not covered in class.

It is worth noting FRI's excellent dedication and organization with no big changes in class schedules. FRI also cares about the student opinion on the class and teacher skill by providing a class evaluation after completion of each topic. It is definitely not the same to do the CFA exams without FRI; Thank you Jad and all FRI team.

Examiner - Banking Control Commission

CFA Levels Passed with FRI: Level III